One House Each

There are 11.2 million dwellings for 10.7 million households, but a third of households are renting.

A quarter of Australia’s property investments held by 1% of taxpayers.

Modular apartment block build in 9 days (Big River Architectural)

Public policy should

Tax changes

  • Remove the Capital Gains Tax Discount for housing investments sold after a date six months into the future.
  • Negative gearing and the CGT discount cost about $B170 / decade. The measures above save enough money to fund much more public housing and/or add dental items to Medicare.

SMSF changes

Separately Managed Super Funds should not be allowed to hold direct residential property.

Bad ideas

We oppose schemes that push up demand without increasing supply:

  • “Letting” people use their super – which will force everyone to use up their Super and will push up property prices. 🔗
  • “First Home Buyer” schemes – which just push up property prices. 🔗

Other References

  1. Who benefits from negative gearing (PDF, Australia Institute)
  2. IMF says scrap GGT discount
  3. The awful truth at the heart of Australian housing policy (Greg Jericho, Guardian)